Today’s Gift:

Improve Your Employee Retention with Proven Strategies

Hiring is expensive, timely, and harms productivity. That’s why employee retention is so vital. Keeping employees on staff and engaged helps productivity, saves money, and keeps valuable institutionalized knowledge within the organization. However, as companies struggle to maintain employees, what can you do to set your organization apart and keep talent on staff?

Discover the tips, tricks and techniques you can use to motivate employees, banish negativity, recruit and retain top performers … and excel at managing people at work.

Are you concerned that your employees aren’t motivated? Worried about hanging on to your most talented performers – and finding new ones? Perhaps you’re bothered by the negative attitudes of a few workers, or even your overall workplace culture.

Get Managing People at Work and receive a resource for improving the people side of your business. With this special subscription, get proven, battle-tested advice that can help you create a better workplace. 

7600A Leesburg Pike, West Building, Falls Church, VA 22043 (800) 543-2055 

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